Monday, December 21, 2009

Stupid Cupid Gridwide Hunt Application

Welcome everyone to the "Stupid Cupid Gridwide Hunt" by Angie Newall.
This hunt will take place during the month of February 2010 BUT will only consist of
50 (fifty) vendors. I am only allowing 50 vendors so hunters won't get worn out and tired. I'm also doing this so I can provide better care to my vendors that are in the hunt.

Anyway, Mr. Cupid has gotten a BAD case of the stupids and has dropped his Valentine arrows all over the place. The hunt item will be a heart arrow that will be hid at your store if you are accepted.

Here are the rules for the hunt as some things have changed a little.

Applications are being accepted for this hunt now until Jan. 15th! If you would like to enter this hunt and your store/shop to be a part of the Stupid Cupid Gridwide Hunt please continue reading and fill out the application at the bottom and drop it to Angie Newall no later than Jan. 15th. The hunt will begin in the early morning hours of Feb. 1 and run through the end of the month - Feb 28th.

1. If you want to join us, please get those notecards to her promptly. Angie will be accepting all applications for review. You will be contacted by Angie if you are accepted and must join the group. YOU MUST STAY IN THE GROUP THROUGHOUT THE ACCEPTANCE AND HUNT PROCESS. If you do NOT have room for this group, please don't apply. Communication is very important and a must!

2. Please keep your "arrow" that you will be given within 20 to 30 meters of your landing location. You may move these around but just remember that if you give a hint later on that it may mess some people up when they are trying to find it. If you rent a shop, we will still accept you just be sure to let your mall owner know and make sure that is it ok to put up signs. We don't want anyone to get in trouble or have to drop out because of any misunderstandings.

3. Please only offer your own designs and build for your hunt. We want to be fair to all of those that will be hunting from store to store.

4. Only one application per store/venue to allow fairness to others.


6. Also please make your items unisex for both male or female avatars or give an item for both. You know men like these hunts too and we don't want to leave anyone out.

These are the rules for being in this hunt and we want to express that we're a friendly hunt. Please be sure to review these notes above to avoid conflict. Applications will also be cut off on Jan 15th to allow enough time to get things organized. So get those to us quick!


Store Name:_________________________________________

Owner's Name:____________________________________________

Do you rent or own:_____________________________________

What does your store specialize in? example: clothes, furniture, skins, hair.. et.



We would like to welcome you to the Stupid Cupid Hunt!
Please fill the small portion out by copy/pasting this to a notecard and save it ingame as:
Stupid Cupid App: (Store Name) by (Your Name)

Give this information to Angie Newall NO LATER THAN Jan 15th!


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